“A monk once asked a great spiritual master, 'Is there anything more miraculous than the wonders of creation?' The master answered: 'Yes, your awareness of the wonders of Creation.'  ” (“Passionist Series” 585)

Thank you to:

- My husband, for his support and understanding.

- Jacqueline Spring for her book, “Cry Hard and Swim (The story of an incest survivor)”. Published by Virago Press Limited, 1987.

- The late Dag Hammarskjöld, for his poems in “Markings”, a remarkable book which I discovered in my early twenties.

- The late John Denver, a gifted singer/songwriter whose melodies and lyrics stayed with me long after the music ended.

- The late Rainer Maria Rilke for his “Letters To A Young Poet”.

- The late Johannes Vermeer for his artwork, especially “The Girl with a Pearl Earring”.

- ICDSoft.com for hosting this website.

I am indebted to the following web designers for the use
of their linkware, shareware, exclusive use and custom graphics
(many are now offline):

7 Rings
The Shape of a Woman


Alicorna Graphics
Not Too Late, Cycles of Life

Anti Ivy Productions
Doll House, A Work In Progress,
Making Time, Things Fall Apart

Tête-á-Tête, The Road Not Taken

Traditions, The Heart Never Forgets

CGZ Attic
Paradox (custom graphics)

Creative Xpressions
Just Tell Me, Comfort Zone

Dana Lea's Graphics
Touching A Dream, Jo March, Lessons,
Baby Blue, Bookstore, Remembrance,
Flirtatious, Untitled IV, Tatters: a story


Darian Graphics

Devonshire Design

Digital Fine Art by Diane Rooney
Lily Springs splash page

Faces of Yve
Candle In The Window

What It's Like To Not Be Shy
(custom graphics using her digital artwork)

Fullmoon Graphics
Unreal, " ...and full of dreams... ", Wasteland,
The Scent of Cotton Candy

Graphics by TiggHeart
Emptiness, The Jealous Heart

Vermeer's Painting (custom graphics)

Jaguarwoman Rare Webdesign
The Sadness of Departing Swans, Write About It

Jolie Web Graphics
Super Heroes, Silkscreen, The Other Little Girl,
Cowardly, Untitled II, School Magazine,
I Am Not Alone, Baptism,
Introspective (custom graphics),
The Girl Who Belonged to Yesterday,
Walk On Water, I Was Seventeen, Sr. Anna,
Time ... is a Gift, Flowers ... Flowers Everywhere,
Falling Down, Sulky Sue,
The Precipice of Indecision,
A Solitary Act, Invincible, To My Husband, Peridot,
A Child's Touch, The Greatest of These, Comfort,
Bridge on the River, Shoe Box of Memories,
Fraud, Half-Baked, Dear Dad, Camphorwood Trunk, The Miracle Within,
In My Dreams, I Danced..., Three Words

Joyful Heart Designs

Forever Young

Made by Mel
(formerly Dreamweaver Visions Designs)
Current Lotus template (custom graphics),
I Will Get There (custom graphics),
A Safe Place, Opposites, Safe Under My Care,
Peanut Butter, The Next Generation

Moon and Back Graphics
No More Secrets, Uninhibited (exclusive use), Hush,
No. 7 (exclusive use), The Crescent Moon,
Five Fingers On One Hand (exclusive use),
Conquered Fears, Microscopic Handwriting (exclusive use),
What If ..., A Chance Meeting (exclusive use), Untitled III,
Everyday, Tell (exclusive use), Hungry for God (exclusive use),
Ancient and Far Away, Rangoon, Boomer the Baby Butterfly,
Disappoint, "Amen", Walk With Me, "There You Are!",
You Will Feel Like A Locust Shell,
"The Finality of It", This Thing Called Grief

NK Designs
Pilgrims, Snow White's Slippers,
Where Do They Go?

Safe Harbor, Loner

Shari's Designs
Battling a Dragon, A Wake Up Call

Abuse, The Private Self

Structures By Design
Hold You In My Arms

Tuesday Pear

Ultimate Design Studio
"I always felt safe with you ... Thank you" (exclusive use),
Better Left Unsaid, The Gift (exclusive use),
Fragility of Life (exclusive use), Chopsticks

Web of Dreams
Untitled (custom graphics)

And a big "Thank you" to Millie, Sue and Bev
for their support, encouragement, and feedback.
Past and present. It had to be mentioned.

Without all these, this website
would not be possible nor complete.

"Indeed, indeed we both will. I don't see how any degree of faith can exclude the dismay, since Christ's faith did not save Him from dismay in Gethsemane. We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be."

Letters of C. S. Lewis

Content copyright © M. Browning 1997-2024
custom design made by mel